What is accent modification?
Accent modification services are for individuals who want to modify their accents to sound more similar to the local accent. The reasons people have to change their accents range from personal to professional, but are generally for the purpose of being better understood when speaking.
Accent Modification is sometimes referred to Accent Reduction, but the term Accent Modification is now preferred over Accent Reduction, since everyone has an accent, and the goal is simply to modify your accent to be more easily understood by others.
Why should I change my accent?
You shouldn’t if you don’t want to! This is a personal decision. There is nothing wrong with speaking with an accent, but some people find that they are not able to be understood by local speakers, and so may choose to modify their accent.
Here are some common reasons people may want to modify their accent:
- Repeat words less
- Sound more professional and confident
- Upcoming interview or public speaking event
- Change of job involving more professional speaking
- Improve public speaking ability
- Acting or voice acting aspirations
Do English-speaking Canadians have an accent?
Definitely, and not every Canadian accent is the same! Accents & Dialects of Canada is a website that has samples of English-speaking Canadian accents from across the country including. Have a listen to see if you can hear the differences!
Your Arbutus Speech Therapist will help you to learn about the differences between your natural accent and the local Vancouver accent.
What are the steps involved in Accent Modification at Arbutus Speech Therapy?
- Step 1: Get in touch! Let us know that you’re interested in accent modification.
- Step 2: Discuss your goals in our Free Consultation (Phone or Zoom.)
- Step 3: Fill out the personalized survey – sent to you in a convenient online link.
- Step 4: Attend 45 minute initial assessment – your personalized treatment plan will be sent you within a week.
- Step 5: Begin weekly accent modification sessions – (30 or 45 minutes.)
What do therapy sessions look like?
In your weekly therapy sessions you will focus directly on achieving your accent goals. Your Arbutus Speech Therapist will identify 1-2 goals per session that will bring you closer to your ideal accent. Your therapist will also provide homework based on that week’s session. You are encouraged to bring your own list of hard-to-pronounce words or phrases to each session.
What kind of outcome can I expect, and how many sessions will it take?
Most people can modify their accents to become easier to understand through accent modification sessions. The most successful clients are those who are motivated to change and willing to put the time and effort in to their home practice. 10-30 minutes per day is recommended.
You can expect to see your Arbutus Speech Therapist for a minimum of 6-8 sessions with the greatest results typically after 3-6 months.
Does my insurance cover this type of therapy?
Accent Modification falls under Speech-Language Pathology services for many insurance providers. Check with your extended health benefits provider to see if Speech-Language Pathology services are included in your policy. Our funding guide which covers off funding options in BC may also provide some assistance.